Okay, it's been a while...Almost an entire year since my last post! I offer no excuses, but realize it is the perfect time to get this baby back on track! Many new things to talk about in our micro beach Real Estate world!
In no particular order:
1st...on a personal note :) My photo collection can now be viewed on my website! Visit www.iWantABeachHome.com and click on "Wendy's Photo Gallery" Currently 225 photos can be viewed, with more added weekly. Take a look and let me know what you think!
On Real Estate side...
1 - Rob Trost Real Estate [RTRE] mounted a Netarts Bay Cam and weather station high atop the Schooner Bar and Grill. The camera is great in the summer to check bay conditions and the weather station is a ton of fun in the winter giving peak wind gusts during and after storms. Visit my website www.iWantABeachHome.com, or www.robtrost.com to view both.
2 - RTRE is opening two new locations! Both in the Three Capes Loop Scenic Loop: Our new Pacific City office will have a soft opening July 1, 2011. It is located just South of the Pelican Brew Pub next door to the new walk up Taco/Burger shack. Our third office will open mid-July in Oceanside in the old [new] Anchor Building. We will be sharing this space with the Brewin' in the Wind coffee shop, which has already made the move from their original location. Our Netarts office will still be our main office open seven days nearly 360 days a year.
3 - Along with two new office we are also pleased to welcome three new Brokers: Steph McRea will be joining the Netarts office and Janis Holmes and Virginia Reid will be at our new Pacific City office.
More coming soon about all of these exciting additions!
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